Healing Mudras
Healing at the tips of your fingers. Why it works.
According to traditional teachings of Oriental medicine, the meridians (energy channels), which circulate a vital energy run through the human body and control its individual functions.
Energy channels associated with the heart, lungs, liver, and spleen, small intestine and colon, vascular system and the brain. They run through the arms and hands and end at the fingertips.
The fingers are delicate instrument of cognition of yourself and the surrounding world. By folding and connecting them in a certain way, you can activate the meridians and fill the body with the life-giving energy. This practice, when you form your hands and place the fingers in a certain position for duration of time is called Mudra practice.
Mudras are also anciently known in India. The Sanskrit word "mudra" means "gesture" or “seal”. According to an ancient legend, the God Shiva gave Mudras to people in one of his mystical dances.
Mudras are not only found in Asia and India, they are also used throughout the entire world.
“While some Mudras involve the entire body, most are performed with the hands and fingers, and are commonly defined as systematic hand gestures for nonverbal modes of communication and spiritual self-expression. Mudras are external expressions of inner resolve, suggesting that such nonverbal communications are more powerful than the spoken word.” Dr. Indu Arora
“Healing Mudras” practice can help relieve stress, to eliminate stagnation in the body, to ease the pain, to help with the treatment of the specific organs. They can help to relax, to harmonize the whole body; enhance the overall vitality and body defenses.
Mudra science involves elementary exercises that connect you to the five elements within - fire, air, space, earth and water. These exercises work towards balancing the five elements, thereby healing illnesses and diseases caused by imbalances of one or all of the elements.
However, do not consider “Healing Mudras” as a complete alternative treatment. For any illness follow the recommendations of your doctor. Use “Healing Mudras” as a helpful tool in conjunction with the necessary medical treatment. Mudra practise can be helpful after surgery, while still lying in bed. Mudras can work really well for debilitated or elderly people.
By practising Mudras you can enjoy the great natural gift of self-regulation and self-healing.
Healing Mudras: How To Practise
For optimal effect, the “Healing Mudras” practice should be done in a quiet and peaceful place, privately, at home or outdoors. However, if necessary, it can be anywhere: on the way to work, in the public transport or in your office.
The position of the body during the practice should be comfortable. You can lie down, sit, stand, or even walk. The most important part that you have to put your attention to is to keep your spine straight.
It is recommended to do the “Healing Mudras” with two hands, but there are variations, where you can perform it with one hand.
The hands throughout of the practise should be at the distance of about one - two inches from the body.
The pressure of the fingers in the points of contact should be very light and fine, your hands should be relaxed.
Breathing in and out should be done through your nostrils, if it is not specified otherwise.
Gently press your fingertips together and a little bit more when you breath in and a bit less when you breath out, it will have stimulating effect on your body
If you increase the pressure of the fingertips when exhaling and reduce it during inhalation, the effect on the body will be relaxing.
After each inhalation and exhalation make 1-2 second pause, it will increase the overall effect.
If during the practice your mind digresses, gently return your attention to your hands and your breath.
When doing Mudras men’s leading hand is right, women’s – left.
When you practise Healing Mudras, it is recommended to do no more than 3 mudras during one session.
Each Mudra should be held for at least 3- 5 minutes for the beginners. This time should be increased up to 30-45 minutes depending on what the target problem/area you are working on.
The recommended holding time for each Mudra is for your guidance only, it’s not a dogma.
The sensitivity of your fingers will increase with regular practice. In the beginning, you may need 5 minutes to begin to feel the effect of Mudra hold. This time can be increased up to 10 -15 minutes after your fingers have been given some training.
The best way to obtain a stable result is to do your Mudra sessions twice a day, 10-30 minutes each, or 10-15 min each, two or three times a day.
It is recommended to take 2 min break between practising each Mudra.
To finish the session: slowly move your head from side to side; rub your palms; clench and unclench your fists. Do it several times. Slowly and gently open your eye
Often, while in public transport or crowded place, or even at work, it is very difficult to avoid negativity that is coming from the people around you: irritation, fatigue, bad mood, etc. This simple Mudra will form a protective shield against the negative forces.
Technique: Interlace the fingers and hold them at the level of the solar plexus. Breathe easy. Use this mudra when you just need protection and support, for as long as you need.
In a crowded place, it is also very easy to "lose" your energy. This mudra can help you to keep it without giving away.
Technique: Keeping fingertips of thumb and index finger of one hand together, connected then to the same finger of the other hand. The rest of the fingertips of one hand are touching the same fingertips of the other hand.
Use it when you feel emotionally drained or very tired after being in a crowded place.
The focus of this Mudra is openness and acceptance. This Mudra can help you bring balance, new wonderful opportunities into your life. We can only draw on something that is similar to what is within us. “Like attracts like”- The Universal Low of Attraction.
Only with open hands, mind and soul it is possible to receive the abundance that the Universe always has for each of us. We can enrich the world only with the open hands.
Technique: Sit up straight. Put your hands on your thighs forming empty bowls, palms facing up.
Close your eyes. Concentrate on your palms being the center of receptivity. Imagine that you are open now to all wonderful opportunities in your life. Feel yourself receiving love, joy, peace, light, ect., from the Universe. Be filled by it and radiate it into the world through your heart.
Duration of the hold is 5-30 minutes, 1-2 times a day. To increase benefits/effectiveness face towards the East or the North.
Use this mudra when you are very tired, depressed or under stress, or just don’t have energy to hold on. You can do it while you are waiting. Practise this very powerful Mudra when you need healing.
Technique: Clench your right fist with the thumb pointing up. Put the fist on top of your left hand which is shaped like a bowl.
Imagine the healing energy flows through the right thumb into the cup that is represented by your left hand. Try to feel how the energy is filling you up, recharging your body harmoniously.
This Mudra can be done while sitting or standing. Duration of the hold is 3-4 minutes. Practise this Mudra twice a day.To increase benefits/effectiveness: hold your hands at the level of your stomach with the elbows slightly to the sides.
Mudra "Shield of Shambhala” is a unique and very effective tool to combat negative energy. It helps to recover your strength, helps to improve the overall condition of the body. It is also recommended during the recovery period after illness or injury. Work with "Shield of Shambhala," when you feel vulnerable or just need some support.
Technique For women: clench the right fist with the thumb pressed against the rest of the fingers. The left hand is straight with the thumb pressed against the side of the palm. Place the right fist lightly against the left palm. For men - swap the left and right hands. This Mudra should be held for at list 7-15 minutes. The practice of this Mudra harmonizes the work of the Third chakra- Manipura. To increase benefits/effectiveness: Hold your hands at the level of your solar plexus, face south.
It is recommended to practise this Mudra for the improvement or during the treatment of your vision. If you often feel fatigued, exhausted or experience unwanted sleepiness, it helps with pumping the life energy into your body. It can be very helpful when dealing with the common cold or different types of inflammations.
The practice of Prana Mudra gives us the courage to start something new and the strength to see things through.
Prana Mudra stimulates both hemispheres of the brain and allows you to align the energy level of your entire system and to increase its vitality.
Technique: Join the tip of the thumb with the tips of the little and the ring fingers. Keep straight the middle finger and the index finger. You can practise this Mudra either with one or both hands.
To increase benefits: Place your hands at the face level, face north. "Prana Mudra" harmonizes first chakra Muladhara.
The main purpose of this Mudra is purification by removing toxins from the body, as well as eliminating urinary problems, according to Acharya Keshav Dev.
The Apan Mudra also stimulates energy of the liver and gallbladder. Practising this Mudra has a balancing effect on the mind, which is largely depended upon well-functioning liver. It gives us patience, inner balance, and harmony.
Technique: Put together the tips of your middle finger, the ring finger and the thumb on each of your hands. The rest of the fingers straighten freely and relax.
You can practise this Mudra either with one or both hands. Pattern for breathing is to inhale through the nose and to exhale through the mouth.
To increase benefits: Hold your hands at the level of your solar plexus, face east. This Mudra should be held for at least 30 minutes. You can also divide it into three sessions of 10 to 15 minutes each.
This mudra is well known for increasing your metabolism, effectively assisting with the weight loss. It helps to reduce cholesterol and aid in digestion.
Technique: Put the tip of the ring finger on the thumb base and press the thumb gently on the ring finger. Duration: Surya mudra should be practised twice or thrice a day for 5 to 20 minutes maximum.
To increase benefits/effectiveness: visualise gold/yellow light around you
Mudra of Sun harmonises the third chakra, Manipura. Precaution: You should be practising this Mudra for longer time than what is suggested.
Vayu Mudra helps with the treatment of respiratory diseases, with the diseases like arthritis, joint disease, trembling of Parkinson's disease. Better results are obtained if practised after Prana mudra.
Precaution: Discontinue practising this Mudra when the appropriate effect is achieved.
Press the index finger on the thumb base and keep the thumb on the index finger. Keep the other fingers straight.
You can practise this Mudra either using one or both hands.
To increase benefits: Hold your hands at the level of your solar plexus, face north.
Duration Mudra of Air should be practised thrice a day for 15 minutes.