Veronica Hope

About Veronica

I have been practising yoga since 2001. Yoga practice has always fascinated me as an amazing, very powerful tool that can change quality of one’s life, as it has changed mine.

Along with my teaching experience of more than 15 years, I have always been an intuitive healer. After a period of devastating emotional paralysis caused by the loss of our only son, I realized that I needed to jumpstart my healing and teaching work.

Trough my journey back to wholeness, I experienced a variety of healing modalities. I tried everything. I did whatever I could.

The depth of my experience gave me the knowledge and power that I use now to help the others. I am the founder of “There Is Always A Way”.

Each of us has the wisdom and ability to heal ourselves. But often, in our everyday busy lives that have the entire spectrum of emotions: from breathtaking happiness to pain and grief, we need some help to strengthen our connection with our own inner healing power.

I have deep skills and great experience of turning simple, not complicated techniques and exercises into powerful tools that help to access your own wisdom and to activate your own healing potential.

Veronica Hope

All my experience that includes:

  • years of practise Kundalini and Hatha yoga;
  • powerful work with Reiki and Ra-Shiba energies;
  • intuitive healing of myself and my clients;
  • connections to the Universal Information field by using oracle cards and other tools;
  • meditative dancing and painting;
  • emotional release techniques and more..

gave me the knowledge, awareness and power that I’m using to help the others and confidence that There Is Always A Way to transform whatever you have in your life into anything you want. Even if it is looks impossible right now.

It is true that our lives can change unexpectedly. One day can begin exactly the same as the day before, with the same expectations and the same ideas about who you are and what you believe in.

But then you get one phone call, or simply a knock on your door and your life breaks in two: the way it has been before the news and what it has become after.

Whatever is important to you, whatever you believe in can be taken from you in an instant. Everything is suddenly broken into a million pieces and your life doesn't make sense anymore.

You may recognize this situation; maybe you're feeling its effects right now. The feeling of loss is a devastating one: loss of loved ones, jobs, or dreams and most importantly the loss of any hope of finding happiness again.

I have been there. And I know the way out. Here is my story.

“It was a nice sunny day, September 11, 2012 that started very unusually. Instead of waking up at the very last moment and having a quick shower, our only son Alex, woke up unexpectedly early and took a one - hour hot bath.

Have you ever done something like this; an hour long hot bath before work? When every extra minute you have you usually use to stay in bad a little longer, especially if you are 24 years old.

His next step surprised me as well. Alex, at home we called him Sasha, asked me to wash two or three peaches, so he could have them. I watched Sasha eating them slowly, enjoying every single bite. Sweet juice was running down his fingers. He had never done anything like that before work or school.

There is always a way | Veronica Hope

I didn’t know what to think. Everything was really unusual that morning. He was enjoying simple things that people usually don't have time for when they are getting ready for work. Before he left I had given him a last moment “goodbye” kiss and he was gone; gone forever. It was very unusual morning; the worst morning of my life. I would never see him alive again.

He just hadn't had time for it.

In about two hours later, a police officer knocked on our door and told me about a car accident in which our son was killed. Those few words instantly changed me, my world, everything!

First, my mind couldn't accept the news. But after, when I began to understand what had happened, I simply began to die inside. Have you ever seen a person who walks, is able to hear and talk, but is empty inside with very dead eyes? That was me.

I still don’t remember the first two or three weeks after Sasha’s fatal accident. There was no reason for me to eat or get dressed. I had no reason to live. Darkness completely enveloped me. There was a lot of fear each night. Fear that I would not be able to fall asleep again, and if I did, where to find strength and courage to wake up and face this reality again. Sasha was gone.

There is always a way | Veronica Hope

A year passed by and an understanding that I could not remain in such a condition forever slowly grew up inside of me. The reason for my decision to fight for my life was like a daydream. I saw my son smiling and talking to me. He said: “I can feel your pain. You have so much of it so it hurts me too. Please, go back to teaching yoga; go back to your friends. Dress up! Wear your favourite flowered dress and continue to live. You were born to be happy. When you are happy, I am happy too. When you have pain, I'm in pain too.”

The idea, that I could be a source of pain that could harm Sasha in any way, affected me in a very profound way. I couldn't do it to him. It didn't matter if he was physically there or not. I needed to do something to change the existing situation.

Coming back to the reality, to the world without him, was very painful. But the darkness in my heart was broken with a tiny beam of light. The decision was made: I had to fight it, I could not give up – if not for myself, than for him.

The strenuous process of self-healing started. I tried everything: yoga, meditations, meditative dancing and meditative painting; sound therapy; shaking, screaming and laughing therapy; reading and watching spiritual books and movies; I decided to deepen my understanding of healthy eating. All that became an essential part of my life.”

I have created my own ways and techniques of balancing my mind, my mood, the whole of my system. I rebuild myself from scratch.

There is always a way | Veronica Hope

If you ask me today: “Are you happy?” my answer will be: "Yes I am!"

Life is full of surprises, not always pleasant ones. Never give up, always look for the ways out, even from the hardest and darkest situations in your life!

There is always a way for happiness even if it is hard to believe. There is always a way! I know it. I was there: dead inside and hopeless. And I know the way out.

Not from the books. From my own experience, and I'm ready to share, to support, to help.

Whatever has happened in your life THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY to be free and happy again.