The Fourth Chakra ANAHATA
Being in the center of the entire human energy body, the Heart chakra – Аnahata - is responsible for the balancing, harmonious interaction of the lower triangle - the first three chakras - with the upper triangle of the chakras, fifth, sixth and seventh - Spiritual higher plane.
The three lower chakras operate with personal energy, separating a person from the others. The three higher chakras are the collective aspects of the "I" that give a connection to the energy of the Universe. Anahata chakra is precisely the place where the personal and collective aspects of the one's "I" meet.
When we are happy the energy (life force) flows through us freely and harmoniously. In other words, we are free of fear and tension that create blocks in our system. When it happens, the Heart Chakra opens and transmits enjoyable feelings, emotions and inner strength. This strength heals the inner wounds and allows us to forget the pain and unpleasantness of the past.
The heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest at the level of the human heart.
The element related to the Fourth chakra ( Anahata) is Air.
When this Energy Centre is in balance/unblocked it leads to:
- One sympathizes and empathizes with all who need it. He doesn’t judge and act from compassion, not pity. That is why the help he gives to people does not give him a sense of superiority.
- One has a sense of the unity and beauty of the world, the joy of various manifestations of the forms of love.
- One completely accepts all the emotions that arise inside him, without creating a conflict in his inner self.
- One gives love not to get something in return.
- One has capacity to change, to transform; as well as capacity to forgive and accept.
When Anahata is imbalanced, it can manifest as
- The lack of ability of a person to give and receive love.
- The need to get at least something in return for his love. If his love does not find a response and does not bring anything as he expected, at this point disappointment comes. It seems to the person that he has been used.
- The fear of being rejected by the one to whom he gives his love.
- Fear of loneliness. A person feels panicky fear of loneliness, constantly concentrates on his feelings and eventually turns into an egoist.
- One being overly defensive
- Holding grudges, not being able to forgive
Useful Techniques
To activate and balance the ANAHATA CHAKRA
- “12 hugs a day” – do your best to have at least 12 sincere hugs during your day.
Researches show that deep hug where the hearts being closer together is extremely effective tool that can be helpful when treating sickness, disease, loneliness, depression and anxiety.
Besides, it is a nice way to learn to “give” and “receive” in harmonious way. It allows us to see how love flows both ways. - Sit or lie down, close your eyes. Silently repeating “YAM – YAM - YAM-...” mantra in a moderate pace. If you choose to sit down, you can put your hands in mudra that supports fourth chakra.
“Yam” is the seed mantra for Anahata Chakra. - Osho “giving- receiving” meditation. Please watch the video.
- Green is the colour that resonates with the fourth chakra. When you need to open your heart or dealing with painful memories you might like to imagine a soft, green light embracing your heart centre while you sit quietly with your eyes closed.
- Meditation on affirmation for 4 chakra
Choose affirmation; meditate on it. It means you repeat your affirmation a few times, staying in meditation keeping your mind relaxed. If any thoughts come to your mind, note them and let them go. Or, as another way to keep your mind free of any thoughts, repeat mantra through meditation – silently in your mind.- Love is the answer to everything.
- I am an infinite being full of Divine Love, which I give freely and openly accept from the others.
- I love and accept myself just as I am.
- I open my heart and accept others as they are.
- I choose to be united with all beings, visible and invisible, in love and light.
- I anchor my heart in truth, love, and grace.
- Love opens and heals me.
- I lovingly forgive the past and release pain, doubt and fear.
- I am love. I am peace. I am light.