We have our physical bodies, and we can feel and touch most of the body parts: legs, arms, eyes, etc. It is so real for us. But we have the subtle bodies as well, those we cannot touch or see, but still, they exist. Our system has two types of the bodies: Gross body (Stula in Sanskrit) and Subtle body (Sukshama in Sanskrit).
Our subtle body consists of an aura – that has its own layers, nadis- the energy channels and charkas.
Chakras are the energy centres of the Human Energy Field, which Field spins like a wheel and opens like a funnel shaped flower. Direction of the chakras' spin changes along their sequence - from the base to the crown chakra and is different for both sexes. For males, the rotation is clockwise, starting at the base chakra, and anti-clockwise for females.
All of them are connecting us to the limitless source of Universal information/energy. The correct functioning and alignment of chakras is necessary for our physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being.
Mula = Root, Origin, Essence and Adhara = Basis, Foundation
The first chakra Muladhara is energetically located in the middle of the perineum - between the anus and the genitals.
The Root Chakra is the seat of the unconscious. This level of consciousness is characterized by basic, instinctive qualities aimed at survival, security, trust and self-defense.
The root chakra is responsible for strengthening ties with the material world. It helps the energy of the Earth to pass into all subtle energy bodies. Thanks to Muladhara, the remaining six chakras develop. Creation of the basis for the vital activity of the human physical body such as protection of our physical and mental health, as well as to meeting our basic needs is the domain of Muladhara.
Sva = Self and Adhishthana = seat, residence. The second chakra , Svadhisthana, is located half way between pubis and the navel point.
Svadhistana chakra, or Sacral chakra is the second one. It is responsible for the aspects of enjoyment and creativity. It is the center of non-filtered basic emotions, sexual energies and creative abilities.
In addition, this energy centre symbolizes the individuality through the understanding of the uniqueness of the others. Provision of our ability to experience pleasure, passion for life, joy and to be balanced and self-confident, is the most important function of the Svadhisthana chakra.
Mani = pearl, jewel and Pura = place, city.
The third chakra, Manipurа, is located in the solar plexus region. This is our "fiery" energy center, the center of success and material prosperity.
It is in this center that we give a positive or negative assessment of the events that occur in our lives. Тhe Solar plexus chakra gives us the opportunity to absorb knowledge and experience. The harmonization of the work of Manipura Chakra depends on how we evaluate that knowledge and live through the experience.
The imbalance in the chakra of the solar plexus is manifested in the indomitable desire of a person to control both his inner and outer world. His Ego is not satisfied, he has an acute need for status and respect. The task of the Manipurа chakra is to help us realize our destiny in the material world from a spiritual point of view.
Anahata = unlimited, infinite sound.
Anahata is located in the center of the chest.
Being in the center of the entire human energy body, the heart chakra – Аnahata - is responsible for the balancing, harmonious adjustment and interaction of the lower triangle - the first three chakras - with the upper triangle of the chakras, fifth, sixth and seventh - Spiritual higher plane.
Love, experienced at the level of the first three chakras, always has a hidden motive: security – first chakra, sex - second, and power - the realm of the third chakra. Love on the level of the fourth chakra is different.
When we live "from the Heart”, there is compassion and acceptance of all that is, as it is. It is harmonious enriching interaction with other people, unconditional love and the desire to share with others their joy and inner light. All of these are the scope of influence of Anahata chakra.
Visha = impurity, poison and Shuddhi = purification
The fifth chakra or Vishuddhi (or Vishuddha) is located at the base of the throat between the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae.
The will manifested through this energy centre can be described as "informational", unlike the 3 chakra through which the will is already "materialized"- that is the information will embodied in the action in the material world. Thus, the 5th chakra (throat) is responsible for the will to uphold one's beliefs, thoughts, ideas, images, points of view.
Vishuddhi chakra (throat chakra) is responsible as well for the reproduction and perception of the "inner voice" of a person - the voice of his Spirit, an inner prompter and counselor when choosing life scenarios and personal beliefs. Vishuddhi is the first one of higher chakras in our system.
Ajna = command.
Ajna or Third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead.
The sixth chakra is responsible for conscious perception. It manages various mental abilities, such as: memory, willpower and knowledge. It also allows a person to connect to the subconscious, intuition. Also, the sixth energy centre is responsible for the balance between the two hemispheres of the brain - right and left - or in other words - for balancing of intuition and emotions with reason and logic.
Ajna chakra has another name - "guru-chakra” or “the seat of the Master". “Gu” – means darkness on Sanskrit, “Ru” – light.
“Guru” means a universal principle that leads us from darkness to light; from ignorance to knowledge. Developed and balanced “Guru-chakra” energy center allows us to see the difference between the true and the false; Real and illusory. It is Ajna chakra that gives us wisdom and clarity.
Sahasrаra = thousand, infinite.
Sahasrara chakra is located on the top of the head.
Sahasrara is a huge storage of knowledge. Its formation and development takes place throughout life. The ability of a person to be enlightened is connected with it. Also through Sahasrara there is an energetic connection of the lower chakras with the divine levels.
In 7th chakra the energies from all the lower chakras come together. Simultaneously, the 7th chakra ensures that the rest of the chakras are recharged by the Universal energy.
Thanks to the Sahasrara, we can perceive the Universe as a unity of all kinds of energies. Sahasrara leads to the understanding that each person is a component of the vast Universe. The awakening of the Sahasrara Chakra means revelation of the Divine Splendour and attainment of Supreme Consciousness.