
Sahasrara chakra


Sahasrara chakra is located on the top of the head.

Sahasrara is a huge storage of knowledge. Its formation and development takes place throughout the life. The ability of a person to be enlightened is connected with it. Also through Sahasrara there is an energetic connection of the lower chakras with the divine levels.

In 7th chakra the energies from all the lower chakras come together. Simultaneously, the 7th chakra ensures that the rest of the chakras are recharged by the Universal energy.

Thanks to the Sahasrara, we can perceive the Universe as a unity of all kinds of energies. Sahasrara leads to the understanding that each person is a component of the vast Universe.

When the 7th chakra is imbalanced, it can manifest as

  • Being disconnected to spirit, constant cynicism towards what is regarded as sacred;
  • On the opposite side, an overactive crown chakra could manifest in disconnection with the body;
  • Living in your head, being disconnected from your body and earthly matters;
  • Obsessive attachment to spiritual matters;
  • Closed-mindedness.

When this Energy Centre is in balance/unblocked

  • one sees expansion of spiritual awareness in one’s outer world;
  • one is able to experience unconditional love on a constant basis;
  • one’s life become more about serving others because one understands: when he serves others, he serves himself;
  • one is more compassionate, kind, and forgiving, and shows a lot of humility in everyday life.

Useful Techniques

To activate and balance the SAHASRARA CHAKRA

  1. Kundalini yoga exercises: do each exercise for 30 second slowly building up duration of each one up to 1 minute.
    1. Interlace you fingers and place your palms behind your head. Inhale, turn your torso to the left, exhale, and turn to the right. Continue in moderate pace.
    2. Interlace your fingers; place your palms behind your head, palms facing down. Keeping your fingers interlaced straiten your arms, and come back to initial position. Continue – 2
    3. Bring your left arm in front of you; make a fist, as if you hold a pole. Bring your right arm forward in front of you with the palm facing down. Your wrists are crossing.

    Inhale, bring your arms up, to 60 degrees angle. Exhale; lower your arms down to the level of your shoulders. Breathing in and out slowly, move your arms up and down as described.
    To finish, inhale, bring your arms up, exhale, relax and put them down. Listen to yourself for a moment, keeping your eyes closed.

  2. Choose one meditation from the three listed below. Practise it for 40 days, 11 minutes every day, slowly building meditation time to 31 minutes. If one day you have no time, still, meditate for at least 3 minutes.
    1. Meditation with Wahe Guru, Wahe Jio mantra.
    2. Meditation with Gayatri Mantra.
    3. Meditation with So Ham mantra

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