Sat Kriya
Sat Kriya is the most powerful kriya in Kundalini yoga.
Mantra: Sat Nam
Translation: True self, true identity
The regular practice of Sat Kriya can be very beneficial. Here are some of the benefits of Sat Kriya on Physical level:
- strengthening muscles of you abdomen;
- massage all internal organs located in the lower part of your torso, stimulating digestive system;
- strengthening the pelvic floor and entire sexual system and excretory system;
- regulation of blood pressure and strengthening the heart
on Subtle level:
- Balances the Lower Triangle – first three chakras;
- Powerfully works on waking up the Kundalini energy and helping move it all the way up to the seventh chakra, going through your chakra system.
- Re-channels sexual energy to more creative and healing functions within the body
- Stimulates natural flow of energy in your system
How to practice:
- sit on the chair or on the floor with your legs crossed
- interlace your fingers, keeping index fingers pointing up, cross your thumbs; for woman left thumb on top, for man - right
- stretch your arms up, your upper arms hugging your head; keep your shoulders down.
- Powerfully say “Sat” squeezing the navel back towards the spine.
- Say “Nam” as you relax and release the belly
- Don’t worry about your breath, it will come naturally
To finish:
Inhale, hold the breath and apply root lock, by contracting the pelvic floor muscle, squeezing the energy up from the buttocks up the spine and out the top of your head through the "crown" or 7th chakra, and finally, sending it up to the tips of your index fingers. Exhale, release the lock and repeat two more times.
After practice of Sat Kriya you have to relax for at least as long as you’ve practiced it. Ideally, the relaxation is twice the length of time as you practiced this exercise.