
Vishudha chakra

The Fifth Chakra VISHUDDHI

The fifth chakra or Vishuddhi ( Vishuddha) is located at the base of the throat between the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae. . Its keywords are "self-expression," "creativity," "communication," and "truth” because this energy centre (Throat chakra) is responsible for the will to uphold one's beliefs, thoughts, ideas, images, points of view.

Vishudha helps us to express everything that happens inside of us; we are able to laugh, cry, experience joy, and fall in love. Without the help of the fifth chakra all emotions and feelings would remain locked in our hearts.

The fifth chakra is linked to creativity, as well as the second chakra, Svadhisthana, but Vishuddha’s emphasis is on expressing and projecting the creativity into the world.

Vishudha is responsible not only for the self-expression of a person, but also for the ability to listen. Moreover, it is not only about external hearing, but also about inner hearing, allowing you to hear the clues of the Universe.

But most importantly, the Vishuddha, whose Sanskrit name means "Purifier," is a centre of physical and spiritual purification.

As Throat energy centre develops, a person gains access to the knowledge about the world, he realizes what is happening in his inner self and transforms feelings and emotions into creativity. Over the time, he develops the ability to look distantly at the feelings, think about them. Thanks to this, he gets the opportunity to control his emotions.

This chakra is associated with sky blue colour. The element of the Vishuddhi Chakra is AKASHA (space). Space opens the possibility for expansion and distribution.

When this Energy Centre is in balance/unblocked

  • One realizes that everything that happens around himself depends on him, and not on the external circumstances.
  • One can competently control one’s speech, being able to remain silent for a long time, listening to what other people say.
  • One doesn’t need to raise his voice ever if he wants to be heard.
  • One is able to listen to another person and accept his judgment. He has no fear that other people's opinions will damage his individuality.
  • One has a sense of freedom. The person becomes independent. His actions depend only on the inner "I", not on the opinions of the others.
  • One is completely confident in himself, so he does not hide his weaknesses in front of the others

When Vishuddhi is imbalanced, it can manifest as

  • The fear to take responsibility for one’s life; preference not to think that the physical world is a reflection of the spiritual.
  • Lower self-esteem, the emergence of self-criticism. One wants to be understood by everyone. As a result, there is a fear of saying something wrong; not doing what is expected of him. As a result, self-esteem lowers down even more day by day and any unacceptance by the society cause a new flurry of self-criticism.
  • Leads to a constant sense of guilt both in front of oneself and in front of the other people. One has a desire to talk a lot about nothing. Thus, he tries to hide his true desires and thoughts.
  • The throat is the center in which a person's ability to change develops. It symbolizes the flexibility of thinking, the ability to change one's mind as life experiences accumulate. If a person is stubborn, his mind is stiff, he does not want to change the throat and neck diseases develop quite quickly.

Useful Techniques

To activate and balance the VISHUDDHI CHAKRA

  1. Udjai breath
    This practice is very beneficial, it:
    • Cools nerve system down and relieves tension;
    • Is very helpful in clearing blocked arteries, regulates cholesterol;
    • Helps with cataracts and sinus problems;
    • Prevents thyroid problems;
    • Is the best for those people who are in singing profession;
    • Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood.

    Please watch the video for the instructions on the page “Videos”

  2. Exercise points to the benefits of exercise for thyroid health. For those with an underactive thyroid, "exercise can offer a natural antidote to the symptoms such as weight gain, depression, muscle loss, and low energy levels" as well as increase the levels of hormone production. For those with an overactive thyroid, exercise can help with the symptoms of insomnia and mood swings.
    1. Inhale, right shoulder up, exhale- drop it down. Do the same with the left shoulder.
      Continue for 2 mins.
    2. Move your head from right to left, from shoulder to shoulder keeping your eyes open – 7-12 repeats.
    3. Balancing your 5th chakra and thyroid gland exercise:
      • Sit on yoga mat or on the chair with your spine straight;
      • Bring your arms in front of you with two palms together in front of your throat;
      • Keep your chin parallel to the floor;
      • Inhale- palms up, chin up;
      • Exhale - return to the starting position.
  3. “Leave your past in the Past” exercise
    Find the time and place when and where you’ll not be interrupted. Sit quietly for a moment.
    Think about the specific painful moment from your past. Let all negative emotions associated with this situation to rise up. Do not hold any tears, if they are coming. Visualise your situation in those days. You felt yourself dependent, unable to control situations and not free.
    Next step: Make yourself aware that you are now grown-up and free, and the situation of those days has no validity any more. Let it go! Realise, it is your Past. Leave it in the Past! Be free!

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